Friday 3 April 2015

Photoshoot in Deptford

I think these photographs have worked really well. I have been able to take portraits of people working at Deptford market, using my Olympus trip camera. At first it was quite nerve racking asking to take their picture but they were all so friendly and were really interested in my project surrounding Deptford. I also got pictures of people whilst they were working, but I especially love the ones that people have simply stood and just let me take. I simply asked to take their pictures and they posed in their own way, most them with a smile stood in front of their stalls.

To reflect on these pictures and what worked and didn't, I asked my sister and other family members their thoughts on them. 

Their feedback was: 

  • Try using a different camera
  • Take more pictures in relation to 'the secret history of our streets' documentary
  • They liked the portrait shots, do more of these
  • More pictures of buildings around Deptford

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