3 in 1



F R E D   W I L K I N S O N 

I love these photographs taken by Fred Wilkinson. He specialises in observational photography which is where my passion lies. As I chose 'Liminal' as my theme, I feel this works so well with this type of photography. Like Fred Wilkinson, I went out and chose to capture candid shots of society, simply using my Iphone camera.

J I M   G O L D B E R G 

I borrowed Jim Goldberg's book 'open see' from the library and scanned in images that I liked. I think I love the rawness of his work, simple images alongside text that tell the story of those in the picture. He almost wants the pictures to be as messy as the people's lives whose story he is telling. His work is thrown together, messy collages, but to the point. 

L E E   F R I E D L A N D E R 

M A R T I N   P A R R 

K E N N E T H   C A P P E L L O 

A fashion photographer from New York, Kenneth Cappello has an original style which incorporates text and image.  He documented suburban subculture in the 80's and also developed the brazen, off-the-cuff photographic approach that has come to define his later work.

M A R K   L E B O N 

"Mark Lebon is an acclaimed photographer who came to prominence in the 1980s as a key contributor to the aesthetic known as 'Buffalo', headed by stylist Ray Petri. Born in London in 1957, Lebon studied at West Surrey College of Art and Design and Communications Design at North East London Polytechnic. He went on to produce fashion photography for numerous magazines including i-D, The Face, Arena, Blitz, Vogue, Tempo and Harpers and Queen." - showSTUDIO.

I really like scrapbook aesthetic and the messy, fun family feel to his work. I feel like he shows his personality through his work. 

F I N A L   O U T C O M E  -  3 IN 1


I chose the theme 'Liminal' and began to research into the word. After some research I came across the different dimensions of liminality. To an individual it could be a sudden death, to a group it could be a graduation or to society a natural disaster or revolutionary periods I began to look at the idea of liminality in society as this would fit in well with my love of observational photography. I went into central London and using my Iphone camera took shots of people I believed were in a transitional stage. I set out with the idea I would take photographs of people who were homeless as they are living on the fringes of society. As I was walking around other ideas for liminality in society came about, for example the images of the pregnant women who are physically in a transitional stage. I also came across a homeless man on Southbank reaching for his bottle of vodka, lying in front of a restaurant full of people enjoying their expensive food... Complete juxtaposition. 


W H A T   I   K N O W

  • Drawing and painting
  • Basic knowledge in Photoshop 
  • Screen Printing 
  • Camera apertures and shutter speeds

W H A T   S K I L L S   I   W A N T   T O   G A I N

  • Developing film
  • Creating prints from a negative film
  • Create contact sheets 
  • Make a pinhole camera
  • Cyanotype and gum bichromate printing 
  • Chemigrams 
  • 3 dimensions of light 
  • Depth perception 
  • Whitebalance photography 
  • Using a lightmeter 
  • Large and Medium format photography 

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