S T R E E T  



D O C U M E N T 





Using my Olympus Trip 35mm, I framed my images with parallel and perpendicular lines, much like the photographer Lee Freidlander. Taking the photographs, I began to take notice of things I'd never realised before. I saw all the surveillance cameras that are supposedly out there to keep us safe and reduce crime, but is that just a cover up to watch our every move? I wanted to capture these signs to almost bring awareness to everyone that the 'eyes on the street' aren't necessarily there for our benefit, i.e government and large corporations benefiting instead. Even in dark alley ways where you would think you could not be seen, there are constant reminders that you are in fact being watched. In my opinion its become an electronic police state where our privacy is being violated, but what do you think?  


D O C U M E N T 


I used my Olympus trip mz2 to take pictures of my friends and family, documenting my day. In some cases i took a picture of the same situation on different cameras. 


I used a Zorki 4k to capture the following images of family and friends. I love how this series of images tells a story. 

I double exposed the following sequence of photos, i firstly went and took photos of the street and organic forms, then i took photos of family and friends. This allowed me to combine street and documentary photography. 

F I N A L   O U T C O M E 

For my final outcome I collaged images together and then wrote around the pictures with text I thought was relevant to the photograph. For the photos that had family or friends in, I got them to write on the picture, jotting down anything they felt or wanted to express. 

F I N A L   O U T C O M E   A G L I T C H 

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